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Class Details

TimeSlot Contact us for details
Calender 5th Aug, 2024 to 31 Aug, 2025


Foxbrain 333/1 Shakti khand-1 Manu plaza Indirapuram Ghaziabad 201014

Class Description

Foxbrain: Boost Your Child's Brainpower! 🌟🧠

Courses Offered:

🧠 Brain Gym: This program enhances brain development through physical activities and techniques that improve cognitive skills, concentration, and overall learning abilities.

🗣️ Spoken English: Helps kids express themselves more clearly and confidently, leading to better academic performance and global career opportunities.

🧩 Mnemonics: Memory aids that make learning fun and engaging, promoting better recall and understanding of key concepts.

📊 Abacus: Enhances mathematical skills, concentration, and problem-solving abilities with hands-on, visual learning.

🤖 Robotics: Teaches STEM concepts through hands-on experiences in programming, designing, and building robots, fostering out-of-the-box thinking.

💻 Coding: Offers cognitive, creative, and problem-solving benefits, crucial for brain development.

🌱 Personality Development (PD): Nurtures essential skills and traits for personal growth and success.

🧮 Vedic Maths: Boosts calculation speed and problem-solving skills with mental math techniques, making math more enjoyable and accessible.

🔍 DMIT Test: Reveals a child's learning style, strengths, and potential talents, helping tailor education for optimal growth.

And Many More!

Train Your Brain with Foxbrain 💪✨
Enroll Now! 📚🎓

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