Title: 🖊️ Writing WALLS- Tuitions IMO 🖌️ Handwriting Improvement Classes For Kids 🧒 Enroll Your Child Today!
Summary: ✨ Highlights of the handwriting improvement classes for kids! 📚 From Grade JR KG to 4 and Grade 1 to 4 where practice workbooks 📖 will be provided!
Message: 🌟 Enhance your child's handwriting skills! 📝 Enroll them in our Writing WALLS class today and watch them excel in handwriting. 🌈 Spaces are limited, so sign up now! ✍️
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🌟 Highlights 🌟
Summary: Join our Handwriting Improvement Classes to boost your writing skills, self-confidence, and much more! Perfect for all age groups, our classes focus on enhancing handwriting with personalized attention in small group settings.
Message: Don’t miss out! 🚀 Enroll in our Handwriting Improvement Classes today and start your journey to better handwriting. Spots are limited, so sign up now! ✨
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🌟 Highlights 🌟 🏫 Academic 🏫 📚 Class-: 1st-12th 📚 🤝 All Boards 🤝 📖 Reading 📖 ✍️ Writing ✍️ 🗣 Speaking 🗣
Summary: Unlock the door to Hindi language skills from reading and writing to speaking for students of classes 1 through 12. Our program accommodates all educational boards.
Message: 📢 Sign up today and empower your child with mastery in Hindi! Enroll in Writing Walls’ Learn Hindi sessions tailored for kids from 1st to 12th grades. Don’t miss out! 🌟
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🌟 Highlights 🌟 • 42 Sounds • 🅰️ Vowels • 🔤 Blending Words • 🧐 Tricky Words • 📝 Spelling Rules • 📖 Reading & Writing
Summary: 📚 Dive into the world of Jolly Phonics designed for kids and explore basic literacy skills, including phonics, blending, and spelling. Perfect for early learners!
👫 Enroll your child today in our Jolly Phonics course at Writing Walls and watch them excel in reading and writing!
🌟 Don't miss out! Sign up now and give your child the tools to succeed! 🌟
}', 12='{type=number, value=1}', 14='{type=string, value=Contact us for details}', 15='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Online', order=0, label='Online'}}', 16='{type=string, value=Online}', 19='{type=number, value=7898854710}', 20='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Active', order=0, label='Active'}}', 21='{type=string, value=0}', 22='{type=number, value=0}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=148719376643, name='Writing Walls'}]}', 25='{type=list, value=[{id=148711661495, name='Online'}]}', 29='{type=list, value=[{id=164939892322, name='Phonics'}]}', 31='{type=option, value={id=1, name='Yes', order=0, label='Yes'}}'}]Be the first to know the latest Buzz on Kids' Workshops happening in Delhi NCR