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Active classes by Shivalik Tales (1)

Group 41392Group 41391Group 41312Group 41314Group 41313Group 41390
Shivalik Tales, a NO MORE SCREENS live story session is here to give a unique experience to the kids. These are live and interactive story sessions on wild animals, birds and forests. Narrator is a passionate wildlife enthusiast and conservationist. 
All stories at Shivalik Tales are real, based on personal encounters with wild animals and as narrated by various people who lived in the forests. 
Introduce your kids to a unique amalgamation of amusement and learning, which they have not seen before.

Are you a parent worried about your kid
spending most of their waking time in front of
a screen? Do you wonder if it is possible to
free them of this online confinement and make
them learn the good old traditional way? In
times like these where it has become almost
impossible to separate your child from being
glued to the screens, we have a perfect
getaway for your child's creative thinking,
providing a much-needed break from the
screens and teach them in the best way known
to mankind - "Storytelling"

Shivalik Tales
offers children:
• Live and interactive storytelling sessions
connecting them to nature, forests,
mountains, and wildlife
• Learning about the importance of preserving
natural resources like trees, water, and
• Hearing real stories and experiences from
someone who has lived in jungles and
observed wild animals up close
• Engaging with stories that immerse them in
their culture, traditions, and enhance

• Stimulating creativity and receptiveness to
new ideas through envisioning characters and
settings instead of relying on visual media
• Sharpening memory through interactive
storytelling, a time-tested tool revisited by
Shivalik Tales with a twist

Narrator of Shivalik Tales is Manish Sharma. a son of the mountains,
who was born In the green paradise of Garhwal. located in the northern
region of India. known now as the state of Uttarakhand

Manish grew up surrounded by forests and wildlife During his early
years spent In the Doon valley and the Terai region of Kumaon. Manish
discovered his love for nature While still at school Manish started
working with several eminent environmentalists as a conservation
activist During his graduation days in Rishikesh. Manish was known as
a 'WANDERER OF THE GHATS for he would spend chilly winter nights
on the river bank. listening to the stories narrated by Sadhus (holy men)
from au across India Mansh always aspired to become a professional
wildlife photographer and spend his life. close to nature as long as
possible He had taken up trekking at a very early age

Even after moving to Delhi to get his Masters in Business
Administration and working With MNCs for 26 years the mountain boy
in Manish longed to get back to his true love. nature. wildlife and being
an environment conservation activist
Manish has keen interest in quizzing. poetry and music, He is a creative
wnter and has been active in theatre during his college days and
working years Mansh is an avid reader of books on wildlife.
particularly on Bengal Tiger He longed to combine his artistic side with
hts Love for nature and wildlife And thus was born Shivalik Tales. true
stones of Manlsh's personal experiences with nature and the storles of
the mountains and forests that were narrated first hand by the old
Sadhus and the people of Kumaon and Garhwal

Many of the tales from Manish's inventory are from his collection he
himself gathered from innumerable long sittings with nomadic
Bakarwal Gurjars who graze ther cattle in the mountains of Northern
India and lower Shivalik range He has always been mesmerized by
their immense knowledge about forests and wildlifeHe has always
been in awe of the Bakarwal Gurjar comminity because of their
beautiful relationship with their immediate environment
Wondrous. thrilling. and captivating stories that will give you
goosebumps and make you fall in love with India's beautiful Shivalik mountain range

Come and join Manish as he takes you through the journey of
enchanting forests, majestic mountains. and beautiful Wild animals