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Active classes by Phonics Kingdom (1)

Jolly Phonics Program is a interesting multi-sensory effective program that teaches phonics, writing, word recognition and early spelling skills in a fun and interactive way, specifically designed for young children.

With Jolly Phonics, the children are not just taught the alphabets sounds but all the 42 main letter sounds and how they are written.

Children are taken through stages of blending sounds together to form words and then on to reading.

Children are taught to write by listening for the sounds in spoken words and identifying the letters corresponding to those sounds.

Age Range

2-4 Y
4 - 6 Y
6 - 8 Y
8 - 10 Y
10+ Y

Expired classes by Phonics Kingdom

Jolly Phonics-Teacher Workshop
Jolly Phonics-Teacher Workshop

1st May, 2023 to 1st May, 2023

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