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Enrollment Closed

the learning brush-reason for seasons

Class Details

TimeSlot Monday 23 Oct- 12:15pm to 01:15pm/ Tuesday 24 Oct- 11:00am to 12:00pm
Calender 23rd Oct, 2023 to 24th Oct, 2023


The Learning Brush A 55 South Extension II New Delhi 110049

Class Description

The Learning Brush Hosted Reason for Seasons UNDERSTANDING EARTH'S REVOLUTION For Kids Enroll Your Child Now

🌍 Learning about Earth's Revolution
πŸŒ·πŸ‚πŸŒ¨β˜€οΈ Four Seasons: Equinox, Solstice
❓ Why do seasons change
🌞❌ What if the Sun disappears

Explore the mysteries of Earth's revolution and seasons in an engaging class for kids. Understand the impact of Earth’s movements and the intriguing scenario of a sunless sky.

Don't miss out! Enroll your child today and let them discover the wonders of our planet in a fun and exciting way. πŸš€βœ¨