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skillful minds-dance classes for toddlers

Class Details

TimeSlot 05:00pm Tues Thurs
Calender 16th Nov, 2023 to 30th Nov, 2024


SKILLFUL MINDS 8/46 1st floor near Axis bank West Punjabi Bagh New Delhi 110026

Class Description

Skillful minds Hosted DANCE CLASSES FOR TODDLERS Enroll Your Child Now

🌟 Highlights 🌟
🎓 Learn
💃 Express
🤝 Co-ordinate
🏗️ Building
✨ Confidence

🎉 These classes are fun, interactive classes with music, games, and more!

Summary: Enrich your toddler's life with our dance classes that focus on learning, expression, and confidence building through interactive, music-filled games.

Want to see your toddler thrive? 🌱 Enroll in our dance classes today and watch them step into a world of fun and learning! 🌟💃🕺