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Enrollment Closed – Sign Up for Updates

Enrollment Closed

Class Details

TimeSlot 09:30am to 12:00pm
Calender 22nd May, 2023 to 2nd Jun, 2023


Pragati Nursery School G7WV+WH7 Sector 9a Jasola New Delhi 110025

Class Description

Pragati Nursery School Hosted Jungle Adventure For Kids Enroll Your Child

Highlights: 🧘 Yoga 🎢 Music πŸ’ƒ Dance πŸ“š Stories 🏺 Pottery β™ŸοΈ Sudoku βž— Cool Math 🧐 Fun Fact πŸ’ƒ Zumba 🧩 Puzzles πŸŽ₯ Audio Visuals πŸ‘Ά Montessori Time 🍳 Flame Less Cooking ♻️ Best Out Of Waste πŸ”¬ Science Experiments 🎨 Art & Craft πŸ› οΈ Life Skills

Summary: Experience a jungle-themed adventure filled with educational and fun activities like Yoga, Music, Dance, and Art & Craft designed specifically for kids.

Message: Hurry and enroll your child in Pragati Nursery School’s Jungle Adventure to give them an exciting learning experience filled with joy and creativity! πŸŒŸπŸ“š