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lets talk-parent child programme

Class Details

TimeSlot 03:00pm to 04:00pm Tues Thurs
Calender 10th Oct, 2023 to 31 Oct, 2024


Lets Talk-Venue Bright Bambini Montessori Preschool 6 2 Block 5 East Patel Nagar New Delhi 110008

Class Description

👨‍👩‍👧 Let's Talk: Parent-Child Programme 🌟

🤝 Join our special program designed to strengthen the bond between you and your child. Enroll now in our Parent-Child Programme and enjoy engaging, fun-filled activities together. Here's what you need to know:

  • 📅 Minimum registration: 24 classes

💖 This programme is perfect for parents looking to spend quality time with their children while participating in enriching activities. Sign up today and create lasting memories with your little one!

🔍 Summary:

👪 A programme designed to strengthen the parent-child bond through 24 fun-filled activities.
🕰️ Create lasting memories while enjoying enriching activities together.

💬 Message:

🌈 Don't miss out! Enroll in the Parent-Child Programme today and make every moment with your child count! 🚀