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Enrollment Closed

kala sangam-nrityarpana

Class Details

TimeSlot 08:00pm
Calender 19th Oct, 2023


Kala Sangam B- 42 Gurudwara Rd Madhu Vihar I.P.Extension Patparganj New Delhi 110092

Class Description

Kala Sangam Hosted Nrityarpana πŸŽ‰ Enroll Now

Highlights 🌟 A DANCE RECITAL BY STUDENTS OF Kala Sangam πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ

Summary: Experience the magic of dance at Nrityarpana, a stunning dance recital presented by the talented students of Kala Sangam. Dive into a world of grace and beauty.

Message: Don't miss out on this enchanting evening! 🎟️ Enroll now and be part of the Nrityarpana experience at Kala Sangam!