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The Impact of Performing Arts Classes on Children

27 October 2023
The Impact of Performing Arts Classes on Children

The realm of Performing Arts encompasses a diverse range of artistic activities, including Dance, Drama, and Music. It is widely acknowledged that these classes introduce children to their creative side and play a pivotal role in their holistic development. In recent years, there has been a notable transformation in the educational landscape, with dance, theatre, and music being integrated into the daily schedules of students as an inherent part of the school curriculum. 

When enrolling your children in after-school classes, it is essential to understand the advantages that each activity sector offers in order to select the ones that align best with your child's personality. Today, we shall delve into the numerous benefits that children can gain from participating in classes related to the performing arts.

  • Creativity: One of the most important benefits of these classes is the development of a child's creativity. The essence of Performing Arts lies in the realm of freedom of creative expression. Through these classes, children discover the power of gestures, facial expressions, and musical instruments as tools to unleash their thoughts and emotions.
  • Communication & Confidence: Whether it be dance, drama, or music, children are required to communicate both with their classmates as well as with the teacher. They are encouraged to speak out their thoughts and share their ideas.  With this comes the confidence of self-expression. It is this confidence which enables children to ultimately stand up on stage and perform. 
  • Critical Appreciation: The field of performing arts, more than any other, focuses on positive feedback. Critical appreciation is a fundamental aspect of these classes, instilling in children the ability to accept constructive criticism in order to enhance their skills.
  • Developing Focus & Concentration:  There is nothing tougher than standing on stage and delivering a performance. Mastering the art of remembering dialogues, the lyrics of a song, or the intricate steps of a dance routine requires unwavering focus and concentration. Mastering this skill at a young age sets children on a path to success both in their personal lives and professional endeavors.
  • Honing Problem Solving Skills: Performing Arts classes make use of games and improvisation which enables children to think out of the box and come up with innovative ideas and solutions. 
  • Teamwork & Friendships: There is nothing like spending time with like-minded people in a flexible and fun learning environment. Engaging in classes related to the performing arts not only allows children to cultivate friendships but also equips them with valuable teamwork skills.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Engaging in role play, exploring the origins of a piece of music, or unraveling the intricate details of different dance forms are avenues through which children cultivate emotional intelligence and foster empathy.

Undoubtedly, participating in Performing Arts classes allows children to grow up into well-rounded individuals, with an appreciation for beauty in various art forms. Don't forget to check out a variety of classes near you!

Dance & Music

Drama & Theatre
