BeeBuddy Blog

Balancing After-School Activities with Homework and Family Time

Written by Aarti Natarajan Sharma | Oct 9, 2023 6:36:10 AM

The kind of schedules that children have these days require constant juggling and time management. Days filled with school, homework, extracurricular activities, and outdoor play, make it challenging for parents to find the time to spend together as a family. The importance of family time cannot be disputed, making it even more crucial for children to spend time with parents and grandparents. It is a well-known fact that children who get to interact regularly with family members grow up to be happy and well-adjusted adults. 

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the task of creating schedules, let's explore some simple strategies to incorporate quality family time. 

1. Connect with your children: It doesn't take much for children to feel special. Do things that make them remember you even if you are not around. Putting a small note in their school tiffin, including their favourite treat once in a while, posting an encouraging or praiseworthy note on the fridge; all of these gestures will tell your child that they matter and that you are thinking of them. 

2. Do something on a daily basis. Have one activity that is particular to yourself and your child. This could be bedtime reading, singing songs or even something as simple as brushing teeth. The comfort of a daily activity will help you connect with your child and provide your child with the security of a familiar routine. 

3. Take the time to tell your child you love them. We often underestimate the power of the spoken word. Hearing you say "I love you", lets your child know that you are not hesitant in telling them how much they mean to you. 

4. Try and eat at least one meal together. This could be even a snack if a main meal isn't possible, but sitting and eating with your child is the best way in which you can connect with them. 

5. Do homework together. Assign a subject to yourself and your spouse and take turns to sit with your child while they are finishing their homework. This not just enables the child to work better, it also tells them at you are interested in what they are leaning in school. 

6. Take out time to talk about their day and yours. Children follow the lead set by the adults around them. By showing an interest in how their day was and also sharing tidbits from your day, you are giving your children the message that you look upon them as an equal part of the family and not just a responsibility.  

7. Restrict your screen time when you are with your child. There is nothing worse than a child speaking to an adult who is looking at their phone. Make a conscious effort to set aside your phone/laptop when you are talking to your child. 

8. Use weekends and holidays for family outings. This could be to the mall, for a movie or even a simple meal at a restaurant. Moving outside the familiar surroundings of your home, as a family, helps your child garner new experiences with the comfort of having you around. 

While fitting in family time may be challenging, it's essential to remember that ultimately, it's about finding a balance between the various commitments and carving out dedicated moments to strengthen the family bond, ensuring that children grow up feeling loved, supported, and connected to their parents.